1: 1. Keep guns locked. 2. Secure ammunition. 3. Store keys separately.

2: 4. Teach gun safety. 5. Explain consequences. 6. Encourage honesty.

3: 7. Supervise firearm use. 8. Never leave loaded. 9. Securely store firearms.

4: 10. Emphasize respect. 11. Treat as loaded always. 12. Practice responsible storage.

5: 13. Limit access for kids. 14. Teach gun-free zones. 15. Store safely at all times.

6: 16. Safeguard children first. 17. Educate on gun danger. 18. Lock firearms consistently.

7: 19. Set a positive example. 20. Discuss gun consequences. 21. Follow all gun laws.

8: 22. Teach no-touch policy. 23. Be vigilant and aware. 24. Keep guns out of sight.

9: 25. Know your child's friends. 26. Regularly check safety. 27. Communicate openly always.