1. In Greece, it's believed that placing a coin under your pillow on New Year's Eve brings good luck and wealth.
2. In Brazil, throwing coins into fountains during New Year's Eve festivities is thought to bring prosperity for the year ahead.
3. Malaysia has a fascinating tradition of giving coins as gifts during weddings as a symbol of good fortune and blessings.
4. Did you know that in Russia, it's customary to place a coin in a baby's hand during their baptism ceremony for a prosperous future?
5. In Japan, the use of a traditional coin-shaped medal called "Senjafuda" is believed to ward off evil spirits and bring luck.
6. In Peru, it's customary to attach coins to a couple's wedding attire to symbolize wealth and successful financial prosperity.
7. Ever heard of the Irish tradition of placing a coin in the Christmas pudding? It is said to bring good fortune and abundance.
8. Spanish tradition involves placing a gold coin inside a New Year's grape for each stroke of midnight, representing wealth and prosperity.
9. In Argentina, the custom of taping a coin to the bottom of a shoe during a wedding is believed to attract economic prosperity throughout the marriage.
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